Be thankful for what you have


Last night I was taking to mum about her cousin who has a daughter (who is obviously my second degree cousin) and made me think once more time about how lucky I am to have the life I have.


Until she was three years old, she was completely normal. After then, health problems appeared.. and they kept appearing. She is sick. She is very sick and no one really knows what is wrong with her. Apparently what she has is very rare.

The girl, Irina, is three years younger than me but she looks much younger. She has moments when she can’t walk, so she is sometimes in a wheel chair.

I never met her and I only vaguely remember her parents. Mum never took me to her and I don’t blame her, she wouldn’t visit them too often either because she would breakdown every time she saw Irina.

Taken from: Google images.

There are so many people nowadays who complain about their life. They’re 15 and they’re heartbroken. They’re 13 and their life sucks. They’re 17 and they tried killing themselves hundred times. Girls complaining about getting their nails broken (I do too, but with limits). Guys complaining about their football team losing.. and so on. This is all bullshit. Sorry for being too straightforward, but this is the raw truth. I know it may hurt, but why be a hypocrite and hide it?

Whatever you complain about is worthless. Whatever you complain about is a waste of time. Why waste your time when you can easily be thankful for what you have. And believe me, you have a lot. You have a normal life unlike others.. like my cousin, Irina for example. There are people out there who would do anything to have what you have. There are people out there who would do anything to be healthy..


Thank God every time for this beautiful gift.. life. And as I always say, appreciate it!

A touching story. Caution: will make you ‘aww’


I was very bored last night, because I was waiting for the time to pass and be 12 am so I can surprise Mr. Lover, so I just googled ‘short love stories’. There were many pages that came up and I usually click on the first one, but this time I didn’t.. I clicked on another one. This is one of the cutest I have read.


Taken from: Google images

“Today, my dad is the best dad I could ask for. He’s a loving husband to my mom (always making her laugh), he’s been to every one of my soccer games since I was 5 (I’m 17 now), and he provides for our family as a construction foreman. This morning when I was searching through my dad’s toolbox for a pliers, I found a dirty folded up paper at the bottom. It was an old journal entry in my dad’s handwriting dated exactly one month before the day I was born. It reads, “I am eighteen years old, an alcoholic who is failing out of college, a past cutter, and a child abuse victim with a criminal record of auto theft. And next month, ‘teen father’ will be added to the list. But I swear I will make things right for my little girl. I will be the dad I never had.” And I don’t know how he did it, but he did it.”


The source and more stories similar to this one here.

Your happiness can be destroyed in a second


When everything is good. Life is pink. No problems. Just happiness. Something has to happen. Something has to destroy it. Most of the time, it is for a better thing but I really don’t know what’s the better thing behind all that’s going on.

It seemed like everything was planned out just right. It seemed like nothing could get in between my plans and I. But guess what? God has another plan for me. Should I be happy? Maybe. I’m more like deceived, confused.. I don’t know His plans. My plans got ruined. How could I be happy? I am sure His plans are better, but still. Just the fact that what I have planned didn’t work out, is killing me inside.

Nothing. Not even one little plan. Everything is gone. I’m curious. I’m curious of what’s gonna happen but as I always say my life is in the hands of God. He knows things better than me and anyone else.


“For I know the plans I have for you.” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
– Jeremiah 29:11

Hurting the ones we love

Why do we seem to hurt the ones we love?

I mean, we try our best to do everything for them. To treat them right. To do things well.. just to find out that all we did wasn’t good. Or wasn’t good enough.

Why does it seem to always happen? And with why with everyone?

You hurt starting with your parents, further relatives, all the way to other loved ones. You hurt them. Although you love them a lot, you still hurt them. And they don’t understand. They don’t understand that you are doing your best to make them happy. It’s like you’re doing the opposite.. you’re hurting them.

What we don’t know is that indirectly we’re actually hurting ourselves. We’re driving our loved ones away from us, slowly hurting ourselves. When we realise this, differs from person to person, but in the end.. everyone realises that by hurting others, you’re hurting yourself. And this is more accentuated when others means, close people, people you love, people whom you care about, people whom you talk to every day and see very often.

We try to change. It’s hard. Once your been living that way your whole life, it’s hard to change. It never bothered you. Why change? Well, because you’re hurting your loved ones! Duh! Why can’t you just do what they want? Because you’re a human. You’re stubborn and you don’t want to change. You just want change to happen, without putting any effort into it.

But time shows everything. Who was right and who wasn’t. Time will show that by being too proud, by not being slowly adapting to what/who you’re asked to do/be, you’re destroying yourself.. more like destroying your inner self.. your soul.

What is a sister?

“She is your mirror shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness who sees you at your worst and best and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink.
Some days, she’s the reason you wish you were an only child.”

– Barbara Alpert

Although my sister is much younger than me, I love her so much. I want to cry every time I look at her. Every time she sings the stupid ‘I love you’ song from Barney, the purple dinosaur. I just want to cry. She’s so innocent. She’s so little. She has no idea about things other than her cars and favourite DVDs. I’m scared for her. I’m scared.. and I see her do little and fragile. I wish I could hug her and kiss her forever.

I have times when I’m with her and I just cry and talk.. she won’t understand, but it surely makes me feel better. She looks at me and asks me ‘Why are you crying?’

I love her. Even though sometimes I can get jealous because she gets most of mum’s attention, but she’s my baby angel.

I hope she’ll read this over years and realise how much she means to me. I promise from now, that no matter what she needs, when or/and where she needs it, I’ll be there for her. And if I could, even provide her with that thing.

I love her and I’ll haunt down the person who hurts her.

A life lesson incorporated in a short story


“An old farmer wrote to his son in prison.
– This year I won’t be able to plant potatoes because I can’t dig the ground. I know that if you were here, you would help me.

The son wrote back.
– Dad, don’t think of digging the ground because that’s where I buried the guns.

The police read the letter and the very next day, the whole ground was dug by the police looking for guns, but nothing was found.

The next day, the son wrote again.
– Now plant your potatoes dad, it’s the best I could do from here.”


What did you learn from this? I would love to know what you think.


Unfollow me and you break my heart

Oh God how much I hate it when someone unfollows me. Yesterday I had about 300 something followers and now it’s less with about 5. WHYYY? Whyy you crazy people? What did I do to you? Aren’t my tweets interesting enough? Do I tweet too much? Well, hello that’s the point for Twitter. To tweet. It’s not Facebook where you’d be seen like a freak if you update your status every second. It’s Twitter!

You know what’s funny? How addicting these social networking sites are (brings my thoughts to my history exam which had a question about whether Internet had improved the way people interact with each other or not). I never wanted to have a Twitter account. Until I got it done (because my boyfriend, who back then was a close friend, kept asking me to get it done). When I did, the first thing I said was ‘how do I use this crap?’

Here I am. Using Twitter so much. Waking up at 5 (now being around 5.30) checking my Twitter, tweeting, stalking people, getting motivated and so on.. it became a routine.

But why you mean people follow and unfollow me? Do you know how bad it feels to have less followers? Oh. It’s like a tiny piece of your heart is breaking.

Now. Question to my readers. What do you think about social networking sites. Are they good? And after changing some things, passing along my history question, ‘have they helped people to interact with each other?

Runaway maids [2]

Mum called me a couple of minutes ago and told me what happened when she went to the police station.

Apparently she was put into a room with two other maids and they had a scarf and she put it around her neck and tried to kill herself. The others started screaming so the policemen came and put her into a small room and beat her up until she didn’t say anything anymore.

When mum saw her today, she tried talking to her, but the only things the maid was saying were ‘mummy I’m gonna die here.’ However, when mum told her that she has no reason to die and when she asked her why she did this, she didn’t reply and she was shivering and shaking again. So she started screaming and one policeman came to beat her up again. Although mum went in between them and told the man not to hit her, he told my mother that no one screams in his police station, he rolled his sleeves up and started..

Mum signed papers that she’s no longer under her responsibility and she showed the policemen the bag she first came with, a tiny bag with only a couple of shirts and trousers and only a pair of shoes and the big cardboard box she left our house with. They assured mummy that they’re used to this and they all do this. And when the maid was asked where she wants to go, hospital for a check up, the embassy, back to Ethiopia or the agency, she said the agency.

Obviously the first Kuwaiti family who she was with went through the same things because of this crisis issue was the first one ever, she would be scared and want to go back to her family or at least the embassy which is Ethiopian territory. But no. I assume that she was used to it.

Moreover, driver also told me that she told him what was the reason why the first family brought her back to the agency. That was, because she locked herself in the room, what she did with us too. By the way, she was in their house for 7 months and in ours for 7 months as well.

Even if you miss your family, you don’t kill yourself. That is wrong. If you kill yourself, then you will never see your family again, right? They will be destroyed. Mental. Sick. I don’t know what to say. I’m still shocked, disappointed and to some extent, sad.

God bless her.. and us, because I’m worried about my sister and who’s gonna take care with her. I really don’t want mum to spoil her holiday again because of stupid, crazy people.

Runaway maids [1]

My maid ran away. For the people not living in Kuwait, the reason why I have, well, had a maid is harder to understand. I’m at school most of the day. My parents are both working until around 7 o’clock at night. I have a two years old sister, two dogs and a cat (2 turtles and 2 ducks too, but never mind this). Who’s gonna take care of them? A maid..

We had her for almost a year. She was amazing. My mum treated her like a daughter because she was a couple of years older than me. I treated her like a sister too. Every time mum bought me something, she would get her too because come on, she’s a young woman, of course she wants stuff too.

Anyway, long story short.. Yesterday mum went to the Romanian Embassy to make the visa for her so she comes with us in the holidays. The last time we told her about this she was so happy, she was jumping all over and smiling the whole time. When I told her about the visa, she started shivering and crying. I was like wtf?

I kept asking her what’s wrong for 30-45 minutes and in the end she told me. She told me (while shivering and shaking as if she had her fingers in the plug) that she had a dream, or a feeling, I don’t really know because she told different things to my mum and I, that my dad will come home (he was out at that time) with a ticket for her to go back to Ethiopia. I was like huh? Then I told her, how can this happen if she’s going to Romania in a month. She was quiet. Anyway, after having a heart to heart talk, she smiled and she continued to clean my bathroom. I was studying because I had my history exam in the afternoon. After a couple of minutes I wanted to check up on her, so I called her and asked her what’s wrong. She came shivering and she told me that she has the Bible while showing it to me.

Whadaaa? I have one too. So? I tried to joke with her. Didn’t work. When I saw that she’s shivering even more, I freaked out. So I let her alone and I continued my studies.

When dad came home, she locked herself in the room. He knocked but she wouldn’t open until one time, she did then all I heard is my dad yelling ‘Frey Frey! What’s wrong? Alex, bring me water and a needle!’ Honestly I thought she was killing herself or something so I locked myself in the room with my sister and we were watching Thomas and his friends.

She slept. And I had to go to school to do my exam. When I finished, I talked to mum. Everything was good.

I went out with boyfriend to watch a movie and have dinner. The movie was boring, so we left early and we couldn’t eat because mum called screaming and told me to come back home fast because she ran away.

We got home in literally 7 minutes (from 360 to Yarmouk) and we saw my driver on the road, so we stopped and asked what happened. He was too tired from walking and it was dusty too so he didn’t answer. I went home and mum told me that she saw the maid pale so she wanted to take her to the hospital because she was scared. When the ambulance got home, while she was talking to the doctors, she ran from the gate and no one could catch her.

After about 30 minutes the police calls us and told us that they found her. We went to the police station, she was there shaking and rolling her eyes. I swear to God, I was so scared. They told us that she was lying down on the side of the highway! She wouldn’t talk. Nothing. They asked her why she ran away, that we wanted to take her to the hospital and see what’s wrong and she wouldn’t talk at all!

So she was left there for the night. Couldn’t sleep. I was so scared. I was so scared for her too because I do care about her and so does my whole family. She is mentally sick and she wouldn’t want to go to the hospital. I finally slept.

Had to wake up early to help mum with the cleaning and with Maria (thank God I don’t have school nowadays). They just left now to the police station to see what will happen. They will either take her to the agency back, or to the embassy. I don’t know.

They even took food for her. I felt so bad. But I’m still shocked. I still don’t understand what made her do this when we treated her like she was part of the family and she said we were like hers.

So my advice, never get too attached to someone and never treat a maid too good. They will screw you over. Sorry for my French, but it’s true. They’re still workers. It’s not like your boss treats you better just because you’re you.

Be normal. Have a boss-employee relationship.

But what is mum gonna do now? Who’s gonna take care of my sister? She might sacrifice her holiday again because of crazy people..

Stupid morning sirens

So around 10 o’clock today morning all the sirens went off around Kuwait. It as freaky, but to be honest I didn’t realise it until mum told me. She told me to translate for her what the dude is saying because I know more Arabic in the Kuwaiti dialect. However, it wasn’t clear so I couldn’t understand.

I still didn’t get it. I asked dad what that is and he told me that they’re just some sirens. Once again, still didn’t get it! But this is when the freaky part came. I went to my sister’s room and mummy started telling me that is a war siren, like the ones that were put off when the Iraqis invaded Kuwait.

And yes.. FREAKED me out. What did I do next? Well, other than calling boyfriend because he knows everything that is happening then I started tweeting and checking out Kuwait hashtag. This is what I came up with.







More details tomorrow. My brain’s battery is empty. Good night.


“The Civil Defense Department (CDD) said that Kuwait sirens have 3 tunes: 1. Intermittent – which indicates imminent danger. 2. A way tune – which indicates that danger is taking place, 3. A Continuous tune – which indicates that the danger is over.”
