What is life? What is destiny?



What is life? What is destiny?


These are only two of the questions that go through my mind at the moment. What made me think of this? Music. Listening to the proper music can get you really philosophical. But let’s be serious for a while.




Are we given this life for a reason? Do we have a scope in our lives? Does God puts us on this Earth in order to do something? Or is our existance just a waste of time?


I’m 100% Romanian, but when I was very little I fell in love with the Orient and everything that has to do with that part of the world, from the religion, to the culture and traditions. I kept listening to Arabic music and I have to confess that I was often watching Turkish movies, those kind of music where you could see all the traditional things. I liked reading about that. I simply fell in love.




And then mum left to Kuwait, a small country in the Middle East. That was when my dream came true. I was even closer to the world that I was attracted too. There was a lot of visiting before actually moving there. The buildings, the palm trees, the prayer call which could be heard 5 times a day, the people, the air.. everything was different. Everything was the way I liked it. Everything was the way I was dreaming.


Colourfull clothes.. jewelry.. perfumes.. elegance.. 


collage arab


It really attracted me. There was a different scent in the air. The scent of the world I liked.

I learned how to belly dance. I learned Arabic and a couple of words in Turkish. I read about the history.. I tried to copy the style. I put on the hijab to see how it looks like. I listened to the prayers.. I read the Qur’an to see what are the differences, but even the similarities between that and the Bible.


Is it wrong for a westerner to feel all that? Is it weird?



I get along better with foreigners than with people from my own country. I get along better with people from that part of the world. I visted it and it felt like I was home. I can actually see myself live there. I can see myself integrate so well in those places, between those people.


What will I do in life? Where will I be? What will happen to me?

desen vechi

Did God send me here, on this Earth to live there? To make connections between the world I was born in and the world I love? Is this my destiny?


I don’t know at the moment. I will meditate, look within myself.. think carefully, listen to my inner voice.. trust myself and never lie to myself. And I am proud of what I feel. No matter what others think or even say, I am proud to feel all these things. This is who I am. This is how God made me..


Thank God for what you have


No matter what happens, thank God for what you have. There may be people who have nothing of what you have and would do everything to have even a little of that.
If you’re happy, thank Him for your succes. If you’re upset, thank Him for the lesson you’ve learned.

God is one and there is always a reason behind everything!

Loosing friends..

… and then you loose friends. You think ‘God, I should have appreciated it them more!’ or maybe ‘God, I had so many things to tell them!’ but it is too late. They’re gone.

And you break down again. And it’s hard. It’s hard to get back up. You know you have to. You know who you are now is not the real you, but you cannot change.

And you keep trying.. going through sleepless nights. You want to get over.

You succeed, for a short while, maybe a day.. or two? And you remember. Or even worse, you loose another friend and KABOOM! you’re down again.

But don’t forget, you’re not alone. There are many people who felt what you feel. You just have to be strong. Be strong and stay positive.

Sunshine comes even after the worst thunderstorm.

What to do now?

Appreciate. Appreciate everyone. Appreciate life. Never keep something. Tell everyone everything!

The wedding weekend


I want to start by saying that I slept so little this weekend.. I was home alone the whole weekend and Thursday I got back home at 11 pm because I was outside the house with friends. Although I went to bed right away, I kept waking up, over and over again.. had to get up early morning, so around 8 I was awake. Time to get ready for the wedding, right? God. I ran out of time and I freaked out, but it was alright. I met up with the bride and other people at 1.30 pm and went to her place to dress her up..




We paid attention closely to all the traditions and had such a good time.






We all stood in the sun for so long, but hey.. my friends are married. Isn’t that amazing?




Time for the church visit. She was mad at me and the other two bridesmaids, but if only she knew at that time what surprise we were preparing for her. We drove all the way outside the city to buy five pigeons to make it more romantic and I believe that she kind of forgot about the incident (will not talk about this, because it is not worth remembering) when she saw the surprise.




Restaurant? Oh, it was good..




.. but we also stole the bride and took her to the club. Who was there for free? We were. Woop!




Long story short, this weekend was so busy and so sleepless, which means that I need a lot, but a lot of sleep to get back on the track.


PS. I would like to wish to my friends all the best and may God keep them happy and in love. Kisses to both of them!

Be thankful for what you have


Last night I was taking to mum about her cousin who has a daughter (who is obviously my second degree cousin) and made me think once more time about how lucky I am to have the life I have.


Until she was three years old, she was completely normal. After then, health problems appeared.. and they kept appearing. She is sick. She is very sick and no one really knows what is wrong with her. Apparently what she has is very rare.

The girl, Irina, is three years younger than me but she looks much younger. She has moments when she can’t walk, so she is sometimes in a wheel chair.

I never met her and I only vaguely remember her parents. Mum never took me to her and I don’t blame her, she wouldn’t visit them too often either because she would breakdown every time she saw Irina.

Taken from: Google images.

There are so many people nowadays who complain about their life. They’re 15 and they’re heartbroken. They’re 13 and their life sucks. They’re 17 and they tried killing themselves hundred times. Girls complaining about getting their nails broken (I do too, but with limits). Guys complaining about their football team losing.. and so on. This is all bullshit. Sorry for being too straightforward, but this is the raw truth. I know it may hurt, but why be a hypocrite and hide it?

Whatever you complain about is worthless. Whatever you complain about is a waste of time. Why waste your time when you can easily be thankful for what you have. And believe me, you have a lot. You have a normal life unlike others.. like my cousin, Irina for example. There are people out there who would do anything to have what you have. There are people out there who would do anything to be healthy..


Thank God every time for this beautiful gift.. life. And as I always say, appreciate it!

A long day ahead


Good morning everyone!

It’s been a while since the last time I went to school, so I feel very weird now that I’m going. I have to go for my History A2, because we still didn’t finish the syllabus although, I quite learned everything because I’m a nerd (and proud) and I do it all ahead of everyone.


It took me long to get up because of this but even because I slept late, but here I am, in front of the laptop, drinking my coffee and giving you the morning dose of inspiration/motivation.


“It doesn’t matter how many say it cannot be done or how many people have tried it before; it’s important to realize that whatever you’re doing, it’s your first attempt at it.”

– Unknown 


This is true. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something (even if it may be true). Do your best to achieve it, to make sure whether you actually can’t or can.


Have a wonderful day! Life is good and God loves you.

Prayer to God


“God, please let your will be done.. let your will be done in my life always. If what I am about to do is not your will, please give me unrest about it. Please put a stop to it. Lead me in the right path. I want to follow your will. I want to walk in your way.. if this is what you want me to do, please confirm it to me and grant m peace concerning it. Bless the work of my hands and let me glorify and honour you in all that I do. Let me live to testify your goodness. Show me what to do. Lead me where to go. Show me what steps to take. Thank you Lord, because I know your plans for me are for good and not for evil. Thank you because I know you have me on Your heart. Thank you because You are my Father and You love me. And I know I have peace in you.”



God bless!

Your happiness can be destroyed in a second


When everything is good. Life is pink. No problems. Just happiness. Something has to happen. Something has to destroy it. Most of the time, it is for a better thing but I really don’t know what’s the better thing behind all that’s going on.

It seemed like everything was planned out just right. It seemed like nothing could get in between my plans and I. But guess what? God has another plan for me. Should I be happy? Maybe. I’m more like deceived, confused.. I don’t know His plans. My plans got ruined. How could I be happy? I am sure His plans are better, but still. Just the fact that what I have planned didn’t work out, is killing me inside.

Nothing. Not even one little plan. Everything is gone. I’m curious. I’m curious of what’s gonna happen but as I always say my life is in the hands of God. He knows things better than me and anyone else.


“For I know the plans I have for you.” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
– Jeremiah 29:11