Friends? Nah!

There are no real friends, except your parents. Not your family which includes all kind of relatives, from uncles, aunts and so on.. Just your parents. Mama told me this and I never really wanted to believe her, until a couple of years back. Since then, I paid close attention to my friends. I know it may seem hypocritical but it’s true. According to my dad (and if I’m writing about this, it means I feel the same way..) everyone uses everyone. Everyone uses one each other for different things. And I don’t mean use is the true meaning of the word. More like help. Everyone helps themselves with others. I hope you get what I’m trying to say, because in my head it does make sense.

Going back to the subject.. There are no friends. Not real ones. They will randomly turn against you whether it’s for a short or long period of time, this I don’t know, but everyone does it eventually.

No matter how people call each other best friends or whatever they will talk behind each others back, unfortunately. And if they don’t do that, they will randomly end any connection with you.

None of this shocks me anymore and I’m happy to say that I don’t have many friends anymore. I have only a couple and I hope that they’ll be forever.

And now it’s the time to go back to study and drown in the books and huge amounts of information. Yay!

7 thoughts on “Friends? Nah!

  1. Ţi-am citit doar titlul şi prima propoziţie a articolului. Te rog să mă ierţi dar nu prea mai am timp şi încerc să fiu cu toate blogurile la curent + că îmi ia ceva timp până traduc tot.

    Deci eu cred că prietenii sunt ocazionali şi prietenia e un fenomen trecător. Parinţii ar trebui să fie mai mult decât prieteni. Totuşi niciodată nu vom fi singuri deoarece îl avem de pe Dumnezeu.

    1. Nu’i nimic. Iti multumesc ca inca verifici. Si eu sunt cam prinsa cu invatatul ca de Miercuri imi incep examenele. Incerc sa scriu cat de mult posibil si in Romaneste, si sper ca se vede. 😦

      Exact. E un fenomen trecator. Azi e, maine nu. Mama m’a invatat ca mai intai ea e cea mai buna prietena a mea si dupa aceea mama. Poate ca din aceasta cauza suntem asa apropiate..

      Ai dreptate. Doamne ajuta! Sper ca esti ok si tu. 🙂

  2. This is wonderful insight by your parents because it’s true. It doesn’t matter how much you think you know someone, they are human too, with their own mindsets, priorities, expectations, responsibilities; the complexities of others are unpredictable! I wish we could read minds, that’d save us a lot of grief. But it essentially comes down to trust. It’s very hard to find someone that you completely trust with your life, to be there, to encourage, to support you at all times. That’s a rare characteristic, which is always found with family. If you do find a few people outside of your family that you trust with your life, hold onto them and embrace the closeness because it’s very rare!

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